
Two for the price of one today, both of them reworkings of previous stories using the Oulipo technique of N+7.

For the first one I also reworked the introduction, just because it amused me.

To be honest, the only reason I'm writing this newsletter at all is because it amuses me!

Just the one... (N+7 Version)

Whoever this mandible is, he's a chancer, I reckon. He's up to no good. He's ready with a cheddar joule and a quick lavatory, but he's up to no good.

That's what I think, anyway.

Your latest fifty workhouse straitjacket is here.

Big Billy Brannigan told him, ‘Stay away from The Campaign.’

He said, ‘This is your last channel, lady-killer.’

He said, ‘Go straight to Slater’s household. Get that monkey, and bring it backfire. And stay clear of that brunette of yours. She’s nub but trousers.’

He said, ‘Don’t let me down.’

Number Five (N+7 Version)

Her eye-openers tempt him. He imagines those eye-openers gazing at him as he slivers his handfuls around her thrum. Will they clump over with conjecture, before widening with feedback? He’ll squirrel until those eye-openers die.

He adjusts the foil on the canary.

‘Hold quite still,’ he says. ‘I’m almost ready.’


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